Yesterday evening, I'm manage to finish another 10km to finish my total distance of 115 miles April nikeplus running goal. Feel good and happy because I'm manage to finish it and there still 2 days let. And it's a bit of small achievement to me to do 75 miles within 12 days and complete my goal. So, I will take this few days off and rest myselft for the May Goal.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Only 40 miles to go before finishing 115 miles for April Nikeplus goal. So need to running extra miles for this nine days to go. Need to do 5 miles every days for this nine days, and it will complete the 115 miles target.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Continue Running
Monday, April 13, 2009
In Brunei Darussalam for Work
Now I'm in the Palm Garden Hotel at Kiulap, Bandar Seri Bagawan, Brunei Darussalam. Staying one night at this hotel and tomorrow back to Miri, Sarawak. So, not running for today and tomorrow and this will make my running goal a bit behind of the schedule. But the nevertheless, I'll make it up with extra running next week.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Back on Tracks
After losing two matches on the roll, finally the Red Devils (Manchester United) get their gear on and winning against Aston Villa last night at Old Trafford. Late goal from the 17th year old youngster Federico Macheda give the Red Devils vital three points to the title race. Nevertheless it's was game for the Aston Villa side and all credit to them also.